Terms & Conditions


Our Terms & Conditions


1. We stand by our 100% guarantee. If there are any problems with your order simply let us know and we will fix, re-place or refund all your money upon us receiving the product. We do not pay shipping for returns.


2. You have 5 days from receiving your product to make sure everything is 100% satisfactory with your order. Contact us if there is a problem or a question. Do not wait.


3. All sales are final after five days of receipt of product unless hearing from you on or before the five day limit.


4. We Do Not save payment information. We Do save your purchase information. We do not trade, exchange, give or sell information.


5. For any other concerns leave Grandpa a message and he will get back to you. See, told you Our Terms and Conditions are very easy.
Keep it simple, high quality control, customer satisfaction and 100% happy with us and and your purchase!

6. Prices are subject to change at anytime upon 30 day notice.


7. Shipping prices are subject to change upon a 30 day notice.